Adventures in Javascript MVC
I'm working on a project now which uses javascript mvc(jsmvc). I was tasked with enhancing site search to add functionality, but it morphed into also converting existing search to mvc pattern using jsmvc. Having used backbone.js last October to build an mvc front end, this would be a useful opportunity to learn jsmvc and also compare and contrast to backbone.js The existing search was not badly written by any means and followed the javascript module pattern . But with jsmvc I could separate the code into the model(s), views(s) and controller(s) and decompose the problem rather than use 1 big module. The resulting refactored code is 5 view templates, 2 controllers and 3 models. Such breakup of the code is making the code more reusable and more flexible. Very good net effect. The Javascript MVC documentatio n is real good, the jsmvc wiki is also helpful if a little outdated. There are tutorials and examples , but searching on google, I see alot more Backbone.js tutorials on ...