
Showing posts from March, 2012

Hyrbis product overview

Here's a quick overview based on our current experiences implementing Hybris for a global client. Hybris is an eCommerce platform and has a number of product offerings: 1. hybris Web Content Management module . Whole Pages or partial html fragments can be maintained in WCMS. WCMS has the ability to run the website within the WCMS container and then allow the user to hover over CMS parts of a page, click and then and edit&save the CMS. Pretty neat feature they call "Live Edit". WCMS has a "future preview" feature which allows users to view what the site will look like at a furture date but also for other criteria such as a certain role. Note: this is for CMS content only not Product nor behavior (e.g. js code) The last 2 features are obviously appealing to a Business User maintaining the CMS. HTML page fragements means no head, body, just typically ul or divs, links and images.  WCMS has the concept of "perspectives" which roughly translate...

Javascript MVC events

Models trigger (server) events: create, update and destroy. These can be listened to.  But also attribute changes can be listened for (but only example I found is bind). Model Lists trigger events: add, updated and remove. See "Listening to events on Lists" section. The way to go is use templated binding as much as possible, i.e. pass in the objects/classes you wish to listen to. As Justin said : ".. but using bind and such is typically not the way to do things anymore" Justin said best way for controllers to trigger custom events is to use jquery trigger. Another option may be to create a model class which a controller may change and to which other controllers listen to such change events. Jsmvc changing model eventing . Note: Justins comment " encouraging open ajax adds a lot of weight. I still wouldn't encourage using OpenAjax for server responses.  Server responses are almost always a result of a change in the model layer. " Fire ...

Special html special character ids

Click here for codes: We use the left and right e.g. &laquo; to get this effect <<