Project Pitbull: Sprint 1 & 2
My Coding I fleshed out the details of CartCollection, ProductModelModel and CartLineItem yesterday. We now have a basic flow which works form start to results to add to sizes hopup to add to cart. This will allow Bill work on Cart page display and also support PDP. Next: some code cleanup, add Jasmine testing and code walkthrough. dust render calling custom functions I needed a way to highlight a selected element in a html select when iterating over a list of options. I also needed a way to have the dust idx start at 1 not 0 as it does by default. I knew you could call functions in dust but didn't know how. There is not alot of dust help articles out there but over the course of a few hours trial and error I figured it out. You can pass a function to the dust render call as part of the object passed and then invoke that from the template calling a js fn dustIdxPlusOne() from template: {dustIdxPlusOne} ..yeah just like an attribute. In this case dustIdxPlusOne() return...