
Showing posts from July, 2012

MAMP stuff

Access mysql from command line / Applications / MAMP / Library / bin / mysql -uroot -p You can find your mysql pass on the MAMP 'start page' Check the logs /Applications/MAMP/logs Command to copy db from server to local

Project PitBull: Crisis

The reason I code named this project "pitbull" is I knew with such aggressive deadline and scope there was a high probability this project could bite ones face off! And so I think it has come to pass. We are in crisis mode because the apis are waaay behind from where they should be. Some time back, I told the PM and API lead all apis needed to be complete no later than 2 weeks before launch, it's 2 weeks before launch today and the apis are basically started, I'd say approx 30% or less complete. Unfortunately  I could see this happening and raised the problem with a number of people but assurances of delivery and progress won the day, until now. And when I rose the issue, I was not aware of the true scale of data the client had to provide or lack of build progress. Today I created a spreadsheet which lists all the apis, true detailed status, responsible parties etc. It has indicators for each step in the process from data from client to api successfully integrated...

Project PitBull: Sprints 3 & 4 - the key milestone

Coding My original estimate of 7 days for SelectSizesHopup proved accurate, especially since we uncovered a significant missed requirement. The good news is the view and underlying behavior can be reused on PDP as planned, so reuse goal attained. Here's the UML for the design and what was built. Whats reuseable is basically all but SelectSizesHopupView I created a SelectSizeRowModel for a ui row. It has all the data for the ui and as changes happen on the ui it is updated and in turn triggers change events to which the SelectSizeViewRow controller listens to. Driving behavior through the model. I tried to use Backbones validate() method but ended up writing a custom validate instead. I found that with custom sizes the user can choose to enter a custom size in which case I set a default invalid value, but that would fail in the validate() method and the old value would be retained, which I did not want to happen. In addition, size and height are 1 attribute but with custom...