Angular js learning resources and notes
Tutorials and resources site best book and the one to buy: "mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS" how to "think in angular " Angular js flipboard magazine Dan Wahlin blog Fundamentals video in 60ish minutes Directives: miskos pres from co-author of angular js in action AngularJS Directives - Vanston Scope and Directives , I need to read it, looks helpful angular js in action (manning) read re injectors I followed and coded the popular "Fundamentals in 60 mins" tutorial by Dan Wahlin, here's my notes: transcript here code at: his log: you can prefix ng directive with data- as in data-ng-repeat, good for validators $scope is what is shared between the controller and the view i.e. the ViewModel the $scope implicitly is available within the div Module angular is very modular, modules are containers simple to create, syntax like re...