
Showing posts from April, 2020

"Tackling Typescript" - Alex R online book

I'm a big fan of Alex Rauschmayer and his blog 2Ality  because Alex is a teacher, he shares great information in his posts and free books. Often at a deeper level than many other sources. And he's a trusted resource. We've been using Typescript for all our frontend code since 2018 and the frontend team all appreciate Typescripts benefits. But it's good to take a step back and refresh so I'm reading Alexs' book "Tackling Typescript". Typescript has become more and more popular and more and more positions require it. It's a language every javascript dev should know. Here are my notes on Alexs' book. Alex points out that Typescript identifies errors statically but also that Typescript is also documentation of the code which is also a big plus. Once you're used to Typescript (ts) you really notice the difference when comparing to plan js get much more information in the ts code. Another plus is Typescript is an early adopter of new E...