Opentable Hackathon October 2020 - we came 2nd out of 34!!
Opentable held our 4th annual hackathon this week for 3 days Oct 13-15. Over 80 ideas were submitted and 34 ideas were actively worked on for the hackathon. Participants spanned all the Opentable offices including: San Francisco, New York, Mumbai, London, Melbourne and where-ever we all are these days. I've been involved in every Opentable hackathon since 2017 when I was on the #1 overall winning team "Invite Friends" (woot!), to 2019 when I helped organize that years hackathon to 2020 when I returned to being a participant on the "Personal Collections" hack. The "Personal Collections" hack is to a hack add slick support in for users to create, maintain and share lists of their favorite restaurants for various occasions as well as find and follow others lists. We had a team of 6 people across London and San Francisco offices, 2 designers and 4 engineers. I believe you should use the hackathon as an opportunity to do something different....