AWS Lamdba spinning up a nodsjs microservice with persistence
AWS Lamdba serverless is pretty cool. Deploy services and code easily without having to provision and manage servers. My previous employer has it's own data center and infrastructure so we don't get to work hands on configuring and using aws services usually. So I'm creating my own AWS Lamdba microservice to manage appointments and store in DynamoDB nosql key value database. I'm using serverless framework cli integration for aws. There are steps I followed to setup a nodejs service: Create a new aws user for this service. Follow instructions on aws site to install cli locally. I followed command line install. run `aws configure` cli using new user id and secret (created in step 1) install npm serverless locally you can bootstrap a serverless config file using template create, but in next step I do manually create serverless.yml (or js/ts) for your service and handler functions the handler in the serverless config file must match an exported function name and the fil...