Craftspersons oath - Robert Martin presentation 2018
I'm a fanboy of "Uncle" Bob Martin. An original signer of the Agile Manifesto . Author of Clean Code book and other "Clean" books. Frequent presenter. Yes, he has a certain style which does not appeal to everyone (I dig it). Yes, some of the content is showing its age with tech changes over last 10+ years. But Bobs also created some timeless content. I enjoyed watching Bobs video presentation on the Craftsmans oath (2018) recently (but let's change to Craftsperson ok?) and below are my notes on what Bob said. The tldr in my words: A craftsperson is someone who stands for something and cares about doing things "the right way". They care about the code, their teammates and customers. They produce quality code, write tests, don't settle for the first solution but refactor code regularly to improve it, deploy small frequent releases, pair with others, are good teammates and collaborators, are learners and teachers both, and don't bs themselve...