
Showing posts from December, 2022

web components and how we used

Web components "Web Components is a suite of different technologies allowing you to create reusable custom elements — with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of your code — and utilize them in your web apps." - MDN 3 main technologies Custom elements:  define behavior of the component  Shadow DOM:      a shadow dom is rendered separately from the main document dom, and thus isolated you can create a custom element with a shadow dom  HTLM Templates   write markup templates steps to build your own web component write the class create a js class for your element which inherits from HTMLElement define a constructor with call to super() register it with the CustomElementRegistry object e.g.  customElements.define("word-count", WordCount, { extends: "p" }); the extends is optional, but shows you can extend from existing elements and use like so: <p is="word-count"> terminology update: when extending it called "Custom built i...

Elon, twitter and all that

I don't have a problem with making moves to make your business a success. Cutting failing products. Pivoting. Laying people off. Staying lean. Cutting perks. That's all part of business (especially tech). I and the whole SF office were laid off from a startup in Thanksgiving 2015. Sucked. It happens. We all accepted it and moved on. And I accept that in some cases employees have been overly lavished with perks (although I would like to see how free lunches, laundry etc. compares to executive compensation packages). But how Elon Musk has done it, treating people as disposable and abusable. Forcing people to work round the clock. Ritualistic styled humiliations such  as sign up to be "hardcore" or be fired,   fired if disagree with Elon,  print out your code, send screenshots of your code in an email and come to present.  I don't get how that makes sense?  I mean, all our code is online in github, why print it off and hand deliver? How is someone going to grok tho...