I like the "new" react beta docs , lots more info, real helpful info. Well written, good examples, lots of details. Helping me learn & improve. The docs have very helpful guidance for useMemo and when to use use useMemo to cache expensive calculations, don't use for non expensive calculations "In general, unless you’re creating or looping over thousands of objects, it’s probably not expensive" if "time adds up to a significant amount (say, 1ms or more), it might make sense to memoize that calculation" I like the example they show for taking measurements. Why? blanket use of us eMemo (or useCallback) is not harmful but the "code becomes less readable", it also adds to cognitive overhead and does add another function. "Optimizing with useMemo is only valuable in a few cases" the calculation is noticeably slow and dependencies rarely change you should know it's slow before you optimize with useMemo check your dependencies, log ...