
Showing posts from May, 2012

Project PitBull - Build tool and setup code

Technologies being used client side include:   backbone.js for MVC and underscore   HTML5   CSS3 (incl rounded corners, opacity, drop shadow)   node for build etc. including grunt, snockets, lint, jshint   less for css   dust for templating   jquery   elements of twitter bootstrap   grid960   jasmine for testing   Omniture for analytics   Solr integration   capistrano deploy   Building and linting Lots of tasks as part of your javascript development workflow these days such as: linting, minify, running less build for css etc. so a build tool is important to have. I want to setup an environment with a watcher to lint and build the code as changes are saved. Dice , a very smart Fluid coder colleague recommends a tool called Grunt which runs on node. So I followed his example Ensure Node is installed . If you have Node installed then to install Grunt run  npm install -g grunt I had to prefi...

Project PitBull - Design & Planning

This is the first in a series of blog posts about a new project I'm working on. Project pitbull is a codename I made up for the project and this first blog post is design and planning. The good news is we get to use the best technologies and its primarily Fluid eng development frontend and backend. The bad new is the date is very aggressive and the launch date is already well as scope :-( I'm working with another great dev at Fluid, Ward, and we both agreed that we're going approach this work the way we think it should be approached. We are purposely not diving into code (despite schedule pressures and the need to show progress) but will first: study & understand the requirements and problem domain. One of the most common causes of failure is related to requirements. To understand requirements do walkthroughs, ask questions, consider what if scenarios, draw diagrams and validate them (even if just on paper). create designs, UML class and sequence diagrams...

Migration from Windows to Mac

After mucho procrastinating I am finally doing it and moving to a Mac for work. This is just a brief log of what I did as well as useful info. Postscript 1 week later: so far so good. About the only thing I really miss thus far is Tortoise SVN, but we're using github more and more so it will be less of an issue. Organization Create /sites folder under /users/dosullivan for work websites Apache etc. Used Xampp on windows, I installed mamp for apache, php,mysql stack. Install went aok, Create virtual hosts. 1. Like windows Mac has a hosts file, for Mac its in /private/etc. Here I add hostnames for my virtual hosts. Note: have to use sudo command to edit e.g. sudo vi hosts    e.g. site1.local site2.local 2. Edit Apache vhosts file to ad a virtual host for each website servername (1:1 with sitename from hosts file) This ultimately became a bit of an ordeal to get working, but I also did: - In Mamp control p...