Migration from Windows to Mac

After mucho procrastinating I am finally doing it and moving to a Mac for work.
This is just a brief log of what I did as well as useful info.

Postscript 1 week later: so far so good. About the only thing I really miss thus far is Tortoise SVN, but we're using github more and more so it will be less of an issue.

Create /sites folder under /users/dosullivan for work websites

Apache etc.
Used Xampp on windows, I installed mamp for apache, php,mysql stack. Install went aok,
Create virtual hosts.
1. Like windows Mac has a hosts file, for Mac its in /private/etc. Here I add hostnames for my virtual hosts. Note: have to use sudo command to edit e.g. sudo vi hosts 
  e.g. site1.local site2.local

2. Edit Apache vhosts file to ad a virtual host for each website servername (1:1 with sitename from hosts file)

This ultimately became a bit of an ordeal to get working, but I also did:
- In Mamp control panel -> Preferences ->Ports then set Apache port to 80
- In vhosts file ensure NameVirtualHost *:80 is present
- define each VirtualHost to be for 80

Note: when port is 80 you don't have to enter the port number with the url in the address bar but everytime you start/stop Mamp you'll be prompted for password. You could use a port over 1024, e.g. 8000 but then you have to remember to enter that in the url e.g. site1.local:8000. I think entering password is the less of these two evils. No such issue in Windows.

Xampp install guide.
How not have to enter pass when on port 80

Sometimes mysql will not restart in Mamp so I got to top, get Mysql pid and then run this kill command to kill mysql, after which it starts ok:
 kill -9 <pid>
Yeah top is cool, task mgr in windows.

svn checkout of repos for Client B
- luckily I had my svn password in my project info file
- I'm used to Tortoise SVN for windows, moving to svn command line is a change

github checkout of repos for ClientJ
- install git
- create .ssh and copy .ssh files from my windows
- already been using command line in windows gitbash so no change

no need for a ssh terminal emulation like SecureCrt I used in windows, just open a Mac terminal and ssh from the command line, works aok

Now using Sublime and also some vi.
Sublime is alot like Notepad++ I used on windows.

Browser Bookmarks
- if you signin on Google landing page then it will save your bookmarks, then when you go to another browser and login to Google Chome it will load you bookmarks etc for you! Nice.
- FF export and import

Accessing a network drive
From Finder choose Go->Connect to Server to connect (or Cmd K)

Once mounted you can find Bison under Volumes from command line e.g.
 cp /Volumes/myWork/ssh/* .

Searching previous terminal commands
Control+R from a terminal window, key in start of command (e.g. "ssh"), it will return 1st command which matches

Mac keyboard shortcuts

Mac screen grabs
Cmd + CTl + Shift + 4 will give a crosshairs with which you can select part of screen to grab and put into clipboard. Then can paste as needed or Open Preview from Clipboard.

Windows has a Hibernate option which preserves the battery. Mac Sleep is similar but still burns battery pretty good. However Windows Hibernate is a source of many problems (blue screens) so am better off without it methinks.
My windows mouse and keyboard work perfectly off the usb on Mac. Nice to see technology working so seamlessly!


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