Javascript and other coding standards
Addy Osami article link to a number of guides D. Crockford m/style1.html m/style2.html But we use a++ and may differ some re whitespaces. Googles js style guide Love this guy We've followed yuis code comments guide Some useful info here in these isobar standards but more concise would be better imo. We use jshint and confugure it for our rules for building. USing automated tools as much as possible is critical. Then code walkthroughs can concentrate on higher order questions such as proper use of design patterns, right architecture etc. I think it better to agree on reference standards to follow and then only call out anything extra or different from those. There's lots of good references and it fails to be maintained over time otherwise. Below is an example of rules on a previous project. Coding standards your code must lint and you must run the ...