Node.js and nodejitsu

I wanted to checkout node.js a little more and after looking at Heroku, nodejitsu seemed a little simpler so I'm going to create an app on nodejitsu.

nodejitsu signup is easy and once I registered and got the email to install:
 sudo npm install jitsu -g
However I got errors.

After checking the nodejitsu notices I gleaned my node version was too old (v.0.6.16) and I needed to upgrade
I saw some posts about n, a tool for managing node versions.
Using n, I switched to node v0.8.8. That kicked off a few minutes of compiles, but thankfully all worked
I ran "npm clear cache" (to be safe) and then reinstalled jitsu
It worked!
I followed the Getting Started instructions.

I installed their default helloworld and deployed it to:
Yeah, it worked. Baby steps.

But I want to load an html file, with my (backbone) js code ultimately....
So I modified the nodejitsu hellow world to load an index.html and created said file in same folder
So my server.js is now:
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
  res.end(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/index.html'));

I fixed a few issues such as content type but got it deployed successfully. You can see my first node app at:

Update: I have since put the code in a repo on github and changed the site url to be here

Thanks to awesome tune here. Luv it!  Teaching my 5yo son to dance to that tune this weekend...priceless.


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