Client Side mvc versus Server side pros and cons
Some technologies will work better for some situations than others. Client side mvc is more suitable for some use cases than others. So it depends on many factors. e.g. If a "desktop-like" ui experience is critical, then think client side mvc. If your team has little javascript experience or mvc experience or you have significant SEO requirements then client side mvc may not be a good fit. The following are my opinions and are not conclusive. Recommend you also research the web. Client side mvc Pro: User experience: traditional web apps typically submit a request and get back a full page each time; client side mvc apps handle more processing on the client and also typically make data requests to the client which should be faster to turnaround. Use gmail? Then you're using a single page app. gmail and others such apps provide a desktop-like experience in the browser. No page refreshes. We'll see more and more of these kinds of apps. Pro: Code...