Twitters json page data bootstrap technique

Bootstrapping data onto the html page which is returned is a clever way to save one or more round trips to the server and show the user the complete page sooner.
Bootstrap recommends this approach, see their FAQ.

Twitter have a neat way to bootstrap json data into an html file.
Uses 2 scripts as follows. Avoids creating any global variables. Notice the json data is within the script tag and is accessed using getElementById().innerHTML. Clean. I like it.

I made a minor change to invoke as an immediate function:

<script type="text/plain" id="init_data" class="json-data">{name: "denis"}</script>
    (function() {
          var jsonText = document.getElementById('init_data').innerHTML,
              initData = JSON.parse(jsonText);           

          // initData is now an object
          // use the json data to bootstrap your page e.g. backbone model
          //  avoiding a server call

Twitter is bootstrapping with a non trivial amount of json data, especially their require data.
They even have some css inlined in their html as well as javascript code in the head.

Update 9/20/13: 
Looks like twitter are now bootstrapping data in a hidden <input> elements instead of script tags as they used to (see above). This may be because the <script> tag is parsed and they may not want that to incur that parsing cost unnecessarily..perhaps.
<input type="hidden" id="init-data" class="json-data" value="{&quot;profileHoversEnabled&quot;:false,&quot;dmTopNavEnabled&quot;:false,&quot;baseFoucClass&quot;:&quot;swift-loading&quot;,&quot;htmlFoucClassNames&quot;:&quot;swift-


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