Denis O. |
Question: if you could spend approx 2 weeks learning tech such as working on a side project, learning new technologie(s), going deeper on existing technology, honing skills....what would you choose to learn?
e.g. I'd like to learn another client side mvc framework and use twitter bootstrap, I'd also investigating helping an open src project
9:40 AM
Bermi F. |
graph databases (Neo4j, orientdb...)
9:45 AM
Alison S. |
I've been toying with ember and node using yeoman, I'd probably keep that up. ideally I'd like to write the same small project in ember, angular, and backbone with marionette to see what the pros and cons are for myself
Bermi F. |
Denis O'Sullivan: testem is worth trying and it takes very little time to start using it on any project with mocha/jasmine tests
9:50 AM
James K. |
I would be interested in working with Scala ... Twitter's had a lot of success switching parts of their platform to it
10:05 AM
Jonathan L. |
Bermi Ferrer: +1 for graph db, been eyeballin' Neo4j
Denis O'Sullivan, don't you mean 2 months, instead of 2 weeks? :-P
Rob K. |
i would learn a QA technology
like cucumber.js or mocha (getting it to work with grunt + headless browser)
10:15 AM
Bermi F. |
Rob Kinyon: have you checked testem?
Rob K. |
Bermi Ferrer: I have no, no
Bermi F. |
Rob Kinyon: all you need is a testem.json file, for example this project is automatically tested on Node, Firefox and Chrome with this config
Rob K. |
10:20 AM
Rob K. |
if i am ever allowed to get back to mainline development, i'll definitely look at that
Bermi F. |
View paste npm install testem -g
git clone
cd jsonp-client
npm install
testem -d
for those of you who want to give it a try without investing much time
Change files to see how automatically it lints and tests your code on nodejs + Chrome + FF
10:30 AM
Ren S. |
has left the room
Dror M. |
has entered the room
Dror M. |
I've played quite a bit with Meteor, and it's a nice way to quickly get a project off the ground both client and server.
Alexander E. |
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10:35 AM
Alexander E. |
I'd play around with Go, see what all the buzz is about.
10:40 AM
Jeremy H. |
alex, it's kool-aid
Alexander E. |
but it's so delicious, and grape flavored
10:45 AM
Jeremy H. |
denis, you could always use as your tech barometer, see what's trending, most popular, most forked, etc...
i love that django is in the top forked and top starred repo list, and it's the most watched python repo on github
10:55 AM
Alexander E. |
11:00 AM
Bermi F. |
Alexander Early: that looks useful, do you know if it requires you to have your gh pass in plain text on your fs?
Alexander E. |
uses the API to get an access token once
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