Testing on all Browsers - HTML5 DevCon 2013

Kevin Nilson
Book: "java puzzlers"

Kein does almost everything test driven

You need to automate tests
 - find bugs sooner saves $
 - we are doing more in the browser
 - speeds up development
 - lets you get off the project!

Manual Testing catches visual problems but is time consuming, expensive and so often skipped.
Automated Testing can't catch visual but is fast and cheap

Kevins favorite is continuous integration (Jenkins, CruiseControl) run at set times during day
  not when you save...can get annoying
  not when commit

Unit test: tests building blocks of app, should be very fast
Different to Integration and Functional end to end tests

Selenium is a neat idea but its not really designed for developers

QUnit some pros'n'cons

TestSwarm from Mozilla
You send a test to Test Swarm, Test Swarm then pushes tests to machines
Supports all browsers and mobile and uses Javascript

Has a plugin for TestSwarm

Test Anywhere Protocol (TAP)

Kevin uses Jenkins and his TestSwarm plugin to run his tests across browsers.


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