HTML5 Developer Conference Oct 2015 - my notes
I attended the HTML5 Developer Conference Oct 19 & 20 2015. Below are some brief notes from the sessions I attended. Videos and slides should be up soon.
Most exciting new technology: css grid layout, I want it now, sooo bad
Coolest session: Prototyping the Internet of Things with Firebase (so inspired I ordered an Arduino board to hack with my son)
Best phrase: "Web has changed from where you get things to where you do things"
Its here now: ES6 (widespread adoption is imminent)
ES6 for Everyone! Speaker: Jamund Ferguson, Paypal
- a good presentation but I'm already a fan of E6
- destructuring is so cool, arrow functions great etc
Falcor: One Model Everywhere Speaker: Jafar Husain, Netflix
- used by Netflix, very interesting idea, very suitable for NetFlix use case i.e. returning large amounts of data, taxomonies, for client to render as well as search thru the json
- I'd like to learn more about how Falcor can pull from different sources, I understand it uses a Falcor route to specify for this json fragment, retrieve from here
- "Web has changed from where you get things to where you do things”
React–Not Just Hype! Speaker: Michael Jackson, ReactJSTraining
- I wanted to attend "Deep Dive: CSS Architecture" but it was full so attended this instead
- "React is 'the right abstraction'"
- templates are not the way to go (the presenter said he's a major mustache contributor), Angular templates require knowledge of DSL and code is in the html. This is a flaw.
- 2 way data binding has side effects, not clear what else is impacted. React means you set state explicitly, easy to know side effects
- Instead of structure around platforms, why not structure around apps e.g. chat, news, ads. FB React team found 80% code reuse across platforms
- React fan-boy for sure
Architecting modern JavaScript apps Speaker: Matt DeBergalis, Meteor
- old web: stateless, request/response, presentation on the wire
- new web: stateful, pub/sub, data on the wire
- javascript is the only reasonable language for cross platform development
- recommends ES6
- connected client: persistent connection, data cached locally, reactive architecture (responds as data pushed), code on client and in cloud
Scaling Engineering Teams with Frontend Services Speaker: Ken Struys, Yelp
- yelp grew 60 engs in 2011 to 200 engs 2013 and the main app became a monolithic app
- deploy rollbacks became common, 30+ changes per deploy, devs became conservative
- Step 1: split app into services
- Step 2: Expose apis to monolith so others can access it AND Make everything new a service
- but in 2014 something still not right, app still a monolith so they:
- split frontend into services
- created HTML renderer services
- each page a unit (still had widgets/components)
- created yelp styleguide (its public)
- share code using private Bower and py-pi for python backend
Prototyping the Internet of Things with Firebase Speaker: Jennifer Tong, Google
- live coding demo: turn on a light on a circuit board using Firebase and Johnny Five library
- Arduino uno
- Johnny-five library (nodejs) github
- Firebase
- Johnny-five library has lots of great user friendly examples including pictures of board setup, worth checking out
CSS Grid Layout from the inside out Speaker: Manuel Rego, Igalia
- awesome demo of new proposed css grid standard
- grids using css only!!! brings tears to mine eyes to see whats coming
- showed examples of using css grid for form layout (very nice) as well as pain grids and grids within grids
- slides:
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