technical resources I use
Some resources I've found useful to prepare for technical interviews and staying current in general
algorithm learning sites
algorithm learning sites
- hackerrank
- leetcode
- glassdoor and blind for research
- (Dr Axle R.)
- React Roundup podcast
- Jack Herringtons learning videos series on youtube
- Kent Dodds blogs and courses
- javascript weekly
- hackernews
- fun fun function
- smashing magazine
- the San Francisco public library has free access to O'Reilly online books
- Dan Abramovs blog
- This guy Dimitri has some great js and react posts
- good cheatsheet
- hooks library and another hooks library
- Kent Dodds, Jack Herrington
- reacts site
- was using babeljs repl but kept hanging so switched to this javascript repl
- jsfiddle was not logging to console
- Learning Javascript Data Structures and algorithms book. Free with SF public Library Safari online (love that!)
- Eloquent Javascript book (free download)
- Books by Dr Alex R. e.g. javascript for impatient programmers (free)
- "You don't know JS" series of books (great)
- Addy Osami free javascript patterns book
system design
- Designing Data Intensive Applications
- Domain Driven Design - Eric Evans (free download)
- System Design Interview - have not read looks useful
- good advice from amazon reviewer
- -- designing data-intensive applications. Highly recommended.
-- system design primer github repo. Highly recommended free resource.
-- Leetcode discussion forum about system designs.
-- Grokking the system interview course. This is an ok resource but not very deep.
-- Various youtube channels. I like channels like Tushar Roy, System Design Interview, Success in Tech, etc. There are a lot more but I found them most useful for senior engineer positions.
-- Various tech blogs: Facebook, Netflix, Uber, AirBnb, etc. Those tech blogs are extremely valuable to help us understand real-life systems.
-- highscalability website. The website contains lots of real world systems.
-- InfoQ youtube channel. Many tech companies talk about how they scale their systems at infoQ. I find sometimes it’s quite hard to find useful videos on google but when I narrow down it to a specific channel, it’s much easier to find. For example, I found a lot of useful tech talks about uber there. It’s invaluable when I interviewed there.
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