
Showing posts from January, 2022

technical resources I use

Some resources I've found useful to prepare for technical interviews and staying current in general algorithm learning sites hackerrank leetcode glassdoor and blind for research blogs (Dr Axle R.) React Roundup podcast Jack Herringtons learning videos series on youtube Kent Dodds blogs and courses javascript weekly hackernews fun fun function smashing magazine the San Francisco public library has free access to O'Reilly online books Dan Abramovs blog This guy Dimitri has some great js and react posts react good  cheatsheet hooks library and another hooks library Kent Dodds, Jack Herrington reacts site repl was using babeljs repl but kept hanging so switched to  this javascript repl jsfiddle was not logging to console books Learning Javascript Data Structures and algorithms  book. Free with SF public Library Safari online (love that!) Eloquent Javascript book (free download) Books by Dr Alex  R. e.g. javascript...

Wed Directions remixed - performance

Web Performance - a history tour with  Fast/slow depends on priorities and what you prioritize for your users 2 main browsers these days: Chromium and Safari webkit (FF is too low) and they have different priorities which you should check tuning against: Chromium: show as much content as quickly as possible, will try to defer non-blocking resource, will prioritize head blocking resources, will try render images progressively Safari: optimize for efficiency and get to end state as quickly as possible; less focus on intermediate state, default layots & paints until everything is ready, prefers to render completed image phase 1: web server performance.  In early days of web, Performance focussed on server performance: how quickly does server respond to requests? how does server perform under load? Still important today, Time to First Byte is a good metric to measure. BE performance is important but not the biggest since most of the time is spent in the browser and rendering. ...

react 18 notes

  React 18 is the next major release of react. These are some notes react 18 big theme: concurrent react improve UI performance, lessen janky experiences a way to keep pages interactive even when doing other things createRoot; use React.createRoot() instead of ReactDOM.render() and then call render of your app into the root using root enables using react concurrent feature root is pointer to top level data structure in react, previously not exposed ReactDOM.render still supported but warned is "no longer supported" React.createRoot(<App />, rootElement) .render(<App />) automatic batching; react 18 will be batched and will prevent multiple re-renders react 17 batched but did not batch state updates in promises, react 18 does react 18 waits until the end of microtask upgrade react and react-dom to 18 to use startTransition; mark urgent updates to show faster and let React know ok to interrupt non urgent updates startTransition(() => { stuff.. } useful if r...