technical resources I use
Some resources I've found useful to prepare for technical interviews and staying current in general algorithm learning sites hackerrank leetcode glassdoor and blind for research blogs (Dr Axle R.) React Roundup podcast Jack Herringtons learning videos series on youtube Kent Dodds blogs and courses javascript weekly hackernews fun fun function smashing magazine the San Francisco public library has free access to O'Reilly online books Dan Abramovs blog This guy Dimitri has some great js and react posts react good cheatsheet hooks library and another hooks library Kent Dodds, Jack Herrington reacts site repl was using babeljs repl but kept hanging so switched to this javascript repl jsfiddle was not logging to console books Learning Javascript Data Structures and algorithms book. Free with SF public Library Safari online (love that!) Eloquent Javascript book (free download) Books by Dr Alex R. e.g. javascript...