Performance testing web pages
Performance of web apps is a big topic and has a direct impact on users engagement. Users will simply not wait for, nor use, slow apps (over 50% of users abandon a website which takes more than 3 seconds to load).
Performance is part of the User Experience. What users experience and what it costs to use. As well as direct user experience, large apps also impact users plan bandwidth costs and cpu performance of their device.
Performance (aka speed) is not just the time it takes to load an app. It includes loading feedback, time to show useful content when a user can interact with the page and the ongoing experience of using the app. Google in identify phases which they call "core web vitals" which are
- "loading"
- "interactivity"
- "visual stability"
- "loading"
- First Contentful Paint (FCP);
- how long it takes the browser to render the first piece of DOM content after a user navigates to your page
- Largest Contentful Paint (LCP);
- time at which the largest text or image is painted in viewport (i.e. basically main content)
- "interactivity"
- Time to Interactive (TTI)
- how long it takes a page to become fully interactive (page responds to user interactions within 50ms, main content loaded, handlers registered)
- Total Blocking Time (TBT)
- the time between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive, where main thread was blocked;
- "how much did I block the main thread after load"
- main thread is considered blocked if a task which runs more than 50ms and Total Blocking Time is total time spent over 50ms
- should be 200ms or less
- see here for more including remedies
- "visual stability"
- Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
- measures page instability; unexpected movement of page controls
- measured in units of viewport shifted; 1.0 means entire viewport shifted
- change blocking to non blocking
- combine apis
- change order of requests
- prefetching
Your own assets
- P pre-load
- a directive (not a hint) to browser to fetch something sooner than it otherwise would do (<link rel="preload". >
- can be applies to js, css, fonts even fetching json
- can you identify critical js and css needed for initial load, separate then from the rest of js and css and preload them
- use sparingly (because browsers are efficient) and measure outcomes
- R render initial route asap
- this helps improve loading and showing feedback to the user asap
- P pre-cache
- use of service workers to fetch assets from cache
- L lazy load
- split your app into what has to be loaded now and what can be loaded later when needed. webpack supports lazy loading react components and their code.
- can & should also lazy load content for large lists (e.g. over 500)
- Lazy load images below the fold/viewport. There are libraries such as lazysizes to help with this
- Chromium browsers have now have built in support in for lazy loading images (partial support in safari). Add a new attribute "loading=lazy" to the image tag for images not in first viewport (note: img width & height values recommended). Important to only add lazy for images not in the viewport.
- completely defer the loading of offscreen images that can be reached by scrolling, until it reaches a calculated distance from the viewport
Remove unused code
Optimize use of third party scripts
The size of your 3rd party javascript can also have a big impact your apps performance. You have control over your own code but what about 3rd party scripts you don't have control over?
Many web apps have lots of 3rd party scripts: trackers, analytics, payment gateways, alerting, social, a/b testing etc. Sum them all up and it can be a sizable hit in terms of load but also time to establish non origin connections, scripts which trigger more requests, insufficient caching and compression etc.
Some good guidelines:
- I think one of the most important things it to establish a 3rd party scripts performance budget. Could include goals for: total size, total requests, total impact to load time, cookies size & usage, etc. That way if someone wants to add another 3rd party script you can measure the cumulative impact. We did this at Opentable, we identified 10 3rd party scripts were loaded and sum totaled almost 1MB!
- key: important to explain impact in terms of the user experience
- prefer 3rd party scripts which send the least amount of code and make the fewest http requests
- audit and remove unused scripts (don't just keep adding)
- watch out too for zombie cookies; created by scripts which no longer are used but cookies they created still exists on your users machines (I've seen it with Optimizely cookies)
- try to keep 3rd party scripts off the critical rendering path
You can either remove or optimize 3rd party scripts. If you can remove then do it. Otherwise try these optimize options:
- use async or defer on the <script> tag
- a way to not have script block DOM construction and page rendering
- tell the browser to parse the HTML while loading the script in the background and then execute script after load
- async - script executes after downloading before window load event; so could still interrupt DOM building
- script execution order random
- defer - script executes only after HTML parsing completely finished
- script execution order in order of how appear in html
- use preconnect or dns-prefetch to preconnect to required origins
- use preconnect for important connections
- e.g. <link rel="preconnect" href="">
- lazy load third party resources
- if not needed initially then why pay the upfront cost; load only when needed
- consider serving 3rd party scripts instead of from their cdn
- there is a cost and overhead to connect to a different origin
- benefit of from cdn is it could be cached in the browser already especially if is popular (but then again you don't control their cache rules)
- instead you could self host, especially if the script is small
- with self hosting you also have the option to create and fine tune your own bundle
In Practice
Often the biggest impact is the size of the assets downloaded and the time it takes to download and parse those (javascript).
There are many possible changes which can be made to improve an apps performance. The first step is taking a baseline and figuring out how your app performs. Then you can look at targeted improvements.
Thankfully there is a lot of tooling available to help. Googles devtools includes Lighthouse, Performance and Network to audit apps, make recommendations and measure improvements.
Devtools Lighthouse
- audits and scores your app against "core web vitals" metrics
- provides recommendations for improvements
- targets bigger picture
- more information
Devtools Performance
- record a flow and then can go very deep to function level
- includes fps measurements
Webpack bundle analyzer
- Add to devDependencies yarn add -D webpack-bundle-analyzer
- Add helper scripts to package.json scripts like so
- "webpack:view": "webpack-bundle-analyzer dist/stats.json",
- "webpack:analyze": "webpack --config --json > dist/stats.json && yarn run webpack:view",
- then yarn webpack:analyze
Performance budgets
- critical rendering path (CRP) includes all resources that the browser needs to display the first screen's worth of content. "The document object model is created as the HTML is parsed. The HTML may request JavaScript, which may, in turn, alter the DOM. The HTML includes or makes requests for styles, which in turn builds the CSS object model. The browser engine combines the two to create the Render Tree. Layout determines the size and location of everything on the page. Once layout is determined, pixels are painted to the screen." from mdn
- frame per second: should target 60 fps or more, slower than that the more the screen seems jumpy, not smooth
- FE optimization is mostly all about optimizing the CRP i.e. getting as few resources as possible as quickly as possible (lazy load, defer, tree shake, optimize, cdn, caching, reduce size, reduce # requests etc)
Interesting article measuring performance
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