reactjs hooks notes

As you learn about hooks, the rabbit hole gets deeper


  • since react 16.8
  • Hooks rely on JavaScript closures
  • every function inside the component render (including event handlers, effects, timeouts or API calls inside them) captures the props and state of the render call that defined it.
  • "Whenever we update the state, React calls our component. Each render result “sees” its own state value which is a constant inside our function."
    • when you call a setter for a useState then react will call the fn component to run it again, that's a new version of that function with its own closure
    • so a new version of the fn component that is generated with the new state (which is a different state than when the fn was called before)
  • "Inside any particular render, props and state forever stay the same" So too do other functions such as simple handlers and also effects
  • "React synchronizes the DOM according to our current props and state. There is no distinction between a “mount” or an “update” when rendering."
  • ... think of effects in a similar way. useEffect lets you synchronize things outside of the React tree according to our props and state.
  • Thinking in React involves finding the minimal state. This is the same principle, but for updates
  • great article from Dan Abramov


  • allow create component state
  • pass a callback to perform one off initialization e.g.
    • const [ data, setData ] = useState(() => createData());
  • state value remembered between renders
  • use setter to update the state


  • Effects run after every render and see the props and state from that particular render
    • to opt out of running effect set deps in a dependency array

  • can return function to be called as cleanup function e.g return function cleanup() { ..} to removeEventListeners, unsubscribe etc (could be arrow fn too)
    • cleanup for effect is run from previous Effect before the next Effect is run
  • 2nd parameter (dependency array)

    • none passed - run every render
      • does means effect has access to props and state have latest values
    • empty array passed -  run effect only once on mount and unmount
      • means props and state always have their initial value (could be stale)
    • array of values - run effect when any of the values in array change
      • doesn't run the effect is nothings changed
      • optimize running of the effect
  • you must include in the effects dependency array all the props, state (and anything derived from them) used in the effects code (for useEffect, useMemo, useCallback, useImperativeHandle, useLayoutEffect)
    • i.e. if code in your effect references state or prop then must include in dependency list

    • see more about functions here
    • it's possible for a useEffect calling an api to get out of sync with async responses such that the response displayed does not match the latest dependency value; to mitigate could check the id of the response matches the current and if not, discard the response (could store latest dependency version in useRef to compare later). 
      • Debouncing to reduce frequency of api calls can also help reduce but not eliminate the risk.
    • react is unaware of changes happening outside it's lifecycle and adding such to a dependency array will not cause re-runs when the value changes e.g. a dom useRef as a dependency will not trigger change when dom changes since react only knows what's in react world
    • "Effects always “see” props and state from the render they were defined in"
      • could be missing a dependency if seeing old props/state
    • "An effect’s cleanup function gets invoked every time, right before the execution of the next scheduled effect."

    dependency arrays
    • if you specify deps, all values from inside your component that are used by the effect must be there. Including props, state, functions — anything in your component
      • including derived values from state and props
    • Strategies for dependency arrays
      • ...dependency array to include all the values inside the component that are used inside the effect.
    • dependency array values check: entries in the dependency array are compared to determine if the fn needs to re-run (using 
      • While primitives are compared by value, objects (including functions and arrays with objects) are compared by reference. 
      • And that can be a problem. Oftentimes compare by ref is not what you'd want and won't work as expected, so what to do? consider:
        • try to limit the dependency array to primitives
          • if you have an object which needs to be checked, you could list properties of the object in the dependency array
        • if functions are a dependency then options:
          • move fn outside component if doesn't depend on state/props 
          • try to move inside the effect if only used by the effect, i.e. declare functions needed by effect in the effect itself 
          • otherwise wrap in a useCallback for fn dependencies (memoizing limits fn regeneration and effect rerun)
          • see more about functions and hooks dependencies
        • use a deep comparison like this hook


    • same function instance is returned between render calls if dependencies are unchanged
    • in some cases its faster/cheaper to not use useCallback and just have regular functions


    • similar to useState but unlike state does not trigger re-render if changes
    • useRef returns an object { current: value } 
      • you can put anything in current, a primitive, object even a function
    • gives you the same object every render (the data in current is unchanged between renders)
      • const myRef = useRef(10);  
      • myRef.current = "1234"
    • ref current is set immediately (not async like setState) e.g. myRef.current = new
    • not just for DOM references; common use cases: to hold ref to dom element, to hold timeout/interval id or an internal count/data structure
      • "Conceptually, you can think of refs as similar to instance variables in a class. "
    • when passed to a DOM element 
      • e.g. <input ref={myRef} .. /> a reference to this dom node is made available to the ref in myRef.current
      • dom uses: e.g. setfocus, measure height, change dom attributes
    • "ref forwarding" allows a parent to pass to a child component a ref for the child to set to to a dom element in it. more here


    • returns a memoized value, only recalculated when dependency list values change
    • should only be used for expensive operations
    • note: side effects belong in useEffect, not use memo


    • memoize a functional component
    • best use case: if component is "heavy" ui and the props don't change often (and you've performance profiled)
    • only checks for props changes i.e. given same props will render same result, means react will skip rendering the component and reuse the last result
    • but if the memoized fn uses useState, useReducer or useContext then it will re-render if these change
    • by default comparison is shallow but can provide as 2nd param custom compare

    React hooks rules and side effects (
    API calls, manual DOM manipulation, using browser APIs like localStorage or setTimeout, or anything else that falls outside of simply calculating a View based on props and state is a side effect.

    0. When a component renders, it should do so without running into any side effects
    •     but many times there are side effects, so read on for rules 1 & 2 to handle
    1. If a side effect is triggered by an event, put that side effect in an event handler
    • e.g. update localStorage when user enters data, then put the localStorage side effect in the event handler
    • doing so abstracts it from the code which does rendering (and thus obey rule 0)
    2. If a side effect is synchronizing your component with some external system, put that side effect inside useEffect
    • say you want to load from localStorage when the component is rendered, put that in a useEffect
    • useEffect runs after rendering and thus again obeys rule 0
    • put in the useEffect dependency list any values the effect needs to synchronize

    To avoid passing callbacks down a deep component tree here's a pattern where you create a reducer fn and pass the dispatch down via a Context. The dispatch won't change so won't cause re-renders. If also need to share state then use a separate context for that.


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